Royal Sun Agaricus (Agaricus blazei)
Pure Fruiting Body Cultivated on Wood
Hydroethanolic Extract Standardized to 30% Polysaccharide Content
Hydroethanolic Extract Standardized to 30% Polysaccharide Content
༄ Adaptogenic Qi Immunity Tonic ༄
Royal Sun Agaricus, or “Mushroom of Life” is a tasty medicinal field mushroom native to Brazil, with close relatives in North America and Japan. Reveared the world over for it’s medicinal benefits, Royal Sun Agaricus is one of the most beta-glucan-rich mushrooms known. It has been used traditionally to prevent and treat cancers, and in recent studies, found to promote natural killer cell activity. Royal Sun Agaricus is believed to modulate the immune system, moderate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and to have anti-viral and anti-tumor properties.
This pristine Agaricus extract is created from Beyond Organic pure fruiting body mushrooms grown on wood. It is dual-extracted using a Hydroethanolic process, wherein the water-soluble and alcohol-soluble constituents are combined. The solvents are evaporated, leaving only the fully soluble medicinal compounds. This super potent extract is standardized to contain no less than 30% Polysaccharides, ensuring quality and consistency with a very high triterpine content. The flavor profile is sweet and mushroomy, making it a delicious additions to tea, coffee, and broths.
༄ Suggested Use ༄
To brew an instant tonic tea, mix 1/2 tsp into warm or hot water and enjoy! Blend into soups, foods, or smoothies. Store in a cool, dry place.
To brew an instant tonic tea, mix 1/2 tsp into warm or hot water and enjoy! Blend into soups, foods, or smoothies. Store in a cool, dry place.
༄ Serving Size ༄
Serving Size = 1/2 tsp = 1g
Quantities available in:
~ resealable air-tight & light-tight bags ~OR~
~ amber glass jars with metal lids
༄ Size Options ༄
25g bag = 25 servings in resealable bag
50g glass jar = 50 servings in amber glass jar/ metal lid
50g bag = 50 servings in resealable bag
100g glass jar = 100 servings in recyclable amber glass jar/ metal lid
100g bag = 100 servings in resealable bag
༄ Beyond Organic Ingredients ༄
Agaricus blazei pure fruiting body mushroom Hydroethanolic (Dual) Extract standardized to 30% Polysaccharide content.